
Thursday 4 October 2012

New Hair, New Attitude?

Just had a big birthday and decided to celebrate with a new hair colour.  But will it make me any more creative?  Or any less lazy?  We shall see, shan't we...?

1 comment:

  1. High, girl.
    I gotta lotta tantalizing, mellifluous illustrations on 22 blogs…
    and I’m more than happy to share,
    to give to you what God has granted me - a steward
    in this finite existence, this lifelong demise.

    Faith, hope, and love -
    the greatest of these is love:
    jump into faith...
    and you'll see with love.
    Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe
    (what I write);
    God believes in you.
    God. Bless. You.
    Meet me Upstairs where the Son never goes down…


Hi there and thanks for dropping by. Please feel free to leave me a comment. Cheers.